Entortung, Hybride Sprache und Identitätsbildung : Zur Erfindung Von Sprache und Identität Bei Franz Kafka, Elias Canetti und Paul Celan

Author Djoufack, Patrice
Format Trade Cloth
  • Active Record
  • Individual Title
  • 443
  • Yes
  • 1
The volume deals with the constitution of language and identity in literary texts written in the diaspora. The cultural approach enables an understanding of the intercultural experiences described here and an exploration of processes and strategies for generating and transforming language, culture and identity. In order to give the analysis of selected literary works a terminological and methodological framework, the author first discusses theories on postcolonial and discourse-theoretical concepts of identity and language. The text analyses show that by turning to fiction, the authors discussed here are able to exploit a power-free arena, which is helpful when deliberating over language and identity, as they can devise scenarios of intercultural encounter and diasporic experience, and put the possibilities of self-discovery to the test. In the conceptualisation of the subject, the authors articulate memories, wishes, and - above all - first-hand experiences with discursive power. The innovative element here is that the experience of diaspora and interculturality offers the possibility to scrutinize and enlarge on this understanding of discursively constituted identities. German text.