Evaluation of Training Programme in India Post

Author Muthuraman, Subrahmanian
Format Paperback
  • 9.0" x 6.0" x 0.6"
  • Active Record
  • Individual Title
  • 2011/06
  • 268
  • Yes
Training programmes are expensive and there is a needto assess their effectiveness. The last stage of thetraining and development process deals with theevaluation of results which is a crucial step.However, systematic evaluation of the trainingprogrammes through appraisal of performance, moraleimprovement and increased efficiency is done in a feworganizations. There is a need to examinewhether employees work effectively through gainedskills and knowledge from training. Hence an attemptis made to study the "Evaluation of TrainingProgrammes in India Post"The major findings are that the learning objectivesdeals with KSA's (Knowledge, Skill and Attitude) thatthe trainees are expected to acquire throughout thetraining programme and the trainees may not haveutilized the gained skills properly in their workplace and secondly the trainees' superior may notallow the trainees to use the skills fully. Bothreasons are applicable to India Post. Theeffectiveness of the model proposed is 78.80% and themodel is significant at 1% level.The mantra for effective training should be, learnfast, remember often and apply with sincerity.