Designflux 08

Format DVD-ROM
  • Active Record
  • Individual Title
  • 2007
  • 2007/08
  • Yes
  • Combination of Multiple Bindings
The DVD-magazine designFLUX offers a panorama of current events in graphic motion design on a threemonthly basis: interviews with designers, themed reports, and an array of background information. In recent years a new, extremely dynamic discipline has come to prominence: graphic motion design. The growing importance of moving images in communications has steadily driven the fun of discovering and continuous development of this new sphere of graphic exploration. Graphic motion design is deployed with equal success in film, video and on websites and by nightclub and concert VJs. Companies are increasingly using this type of graphic design in their communication strategies. The animated image offers the possibility of interaction with multiple sonic, light and visual elements in a practically infinite field of applications. designFLUX is an original and independent creation, paper-free and with its eye firmly on what's new in graphic motion design.