Working with Family Carers

Author Gant, Valerie
Format Paperback
  • 9.2" x 6.2" x 0.4"
  • Active Record
  • Individual Title
  • 2018
  • 188
  • Yes
  • 40
  • R727.47
Caregiving transcends race, gender, and age, and most people will be a caregiver or receiver (often both) at some point in their lives. This book explores the extent of caregiving in the UK and discusses its impact on individuals, groups and communities, as well as health and social care professionals. The book covers ways of identifying carers and providing information and advice and, given the likelihood of practitioners themselves providing care, a discussion regarding maintaining resilience and the extent to which personal experiences guide and inform practitioners response to work with carers is included. Exercises allow the reader to explore ways practitioners can engage with and support carers. The recent legislative changes brought about by the Care Act 2014 is discussed, as well as relevant policies. Caregiving has the potential to transcend disciplines, so this text will appeal to students of a variety of undergraduate and postgraduate programmes, and across the professional arena including social work, nursing, occupational and physiotherapy. (Series: Critical Skills for Social Work) Subject: Social Work, Caregiving]