Mathematical Merry-Go-Round : Whole Class Oral Activities to Enhance the Curriculum

Author Lucas, Vivien
Format Perfect
  • 11.7" x 8.2" x 0.1"
  • Active Record
  • Individual Title
  • Books
  • 2004
  • 37
  • Yes
  • Print
Sixteen varied and well worked out whole class activities form the heart and the purpose of this collection of blackline masters. The aim is to encourage everyone into active participation with the teacher directing from the front. For some of the activities the pupils have to respond verbally, for others they have to hold up coloured cards with the words true or false or the choices A, B, C or D printed on them. Photocopy masters are provided for each of these cards and also of the various forms and charts needed to respond or react to the the situations being set up. Anyone looking for a way of generating enthusiasm and quick responses will find this book most useful.