Atlas of Transvaginal Endoscopy

Format Trade Cloth
  • 11.4" x 8.6" x 0.5"
  • Active Record
  • Individual Title
  • Books
  • 2007
  • 118
  • Yes
  • Print
  • 14
  • RG107
Transvaginal endoscopy of the female genital tract is a powerful new technique for the evaluation and management of pelvic disease. This highly illustrated book details the possibilities and advantages of these techniques, including transvaginal laparoscopy, salpingoscopy, patency testing, and vaginocervicohysteroscopy for the exploration of the uterine cavity. The techniques are particularly useful in the investigation and management of infertility - e.g. oocyte pick-up, implantation, and the exploration of the uterine cavity and tubo-ovarian structures. As the use of water-based distension media is new in laparoscopy, and provides detailed images of pelvic structures, the high-quality illustrations are a particularly important part of the book.