Exchange Rate Economics : The Uncovered Interest Parity Puzzle and Other Anomalies

Author Miller, Norman C.
Format Trade Cloth
  • 9.3" x 6.6" x 0.7"
  • Active Record
  • Individual Title
  • 2014
  • 224
  • Yes
  • 1
  • HG3821
The Uncovered Interest Parity (UIP) puzzle has remained a moot point since it first circulated economic discourse in 1984 and, despite a number of attempts at a solution, the UIP puzzle and other anomalies in Exchange Rate Economics continue to perplex economic thought in international finance. This fundamental book fill gaps in scholarly literature by amalgamating key discourse to generate synthesis models which appear consistent with the UIP puzzle and related anomalies, uniquely bringing them together in one place. Through a comprehensive and current review of the literature, Norman C. Miller reveals new explanations for exchange rate anomalies and offers an alternative approach towards the UIP puzzle, stimulating and guiding future research.