Wake the Artifacts : Student Writing from Wake Forest University's Special Collections

Author Wake Forest University
Format Paperback
  • Active Record
  • Individual Title
  • Yes
The inspiration for Writers Camp @ ZSR came after a group of ZSR librarians heard Jane McGonigal present "Find the Future: The Game" during the American Library Association's 2014 Annual Conference. The ZSR Library wanted to provide an opportunity to engage students interested in writing outside of the classroom and to offer these students the opportunity to become published authors. During the Summer of 2015, The Writers Camp @ ZSR committee was formed and the Writing Center and other University partners were brought in to help plan, market, and lead the event on Friday, January 29th 2016. Students were invited to apply to participate in Writers Camp during the Fall of 2015, and forty-one student authors were selected for the overnight Writers Camp. The works they created that night are published in this volume. The Z. Smith Reynolds Library provided the staff and venue for the event, the WFU Writing Center tutors offered assistance to the student authors throughout the event, and costs associated with the event and book were paid for by a grant from the WFU Provost's Fund for Academic Innovation. You can learn more about this program at: http: //zsr.wfu.edu/outreach/zsr-writers-camp/