Molecular Toxicology Protocols

Format Paperback
  • Active Record
  • Individual Title
  • 1 vol.
  • 2005
  • xiv, 489
  • Yes
  • 291
  • R-RZ
A collection of cutting-edge techniques for analyzing genotoxic exposure and detecting the resulting biological effects-including endogenous metabolites-up to and including the development of cancer. The authors emphasize analytical methods that can be specifically applied to human populations and patients. Among the applications detailed are the analysis of interactions between such cellular macromolecules as DNA and proteins and chemical and physical agents, the assessment of medically relevant toxicity, and the characterization of genetic alterations induced in transgenic animals by in vivo systems. There are also methods for the analysis of genotoxic exposure during gene expression, of cytotoxicity caused by the induction of apoptosis, of genetic alterations in reporter genes and oncogenes, early (premalignant) detection of altered oncogenes, and of individual variation in biotransformation and DNA repair capacity.