Actualized Leadership : Meeting Your Shadow and Maximizing Your Potential

Author Sparks, William L.
Format Paperback
  • 9.0" x 6.0" x 0.6"
  • Active Record
  • Individual Title
  • 2019
  • 224
  • Yes
  • 56
  • HD57.7.S69425 2019
Based on the works of Abraham Maslow, David McClelland, Carl Jung, and Carl Rogers, this groundbreaking book shows how actualized leaders think, feel, and manage differently and provides practical steps and strategies for developing a more actualized approach to leadership. The first research-based book to operationalize Maslow's highly influential theory on human motivation for leaders. Actualized Leadership cites nine thinking, feeling, and acting traits common to self-actualized leaders and gives readers an opportunity to develop these traits in themselves as they work through a unique and free self-assessment tool called the "Actualized Leader Profile." Features interviews with some of today's most respected and successful leaders including former Bank of America Chairman and CEO Hugh McColl, Novant CEO Carl Armato, Ally Financial CEO Jeff Brown, and a foreword by Chief Talent Officer of General Motors Michael J. Arena. Book jacket.