Atlas of Atherosclerosis : Risk Factors and Treatment

Format Trade Cloth
  • Active Record
  • Individual Title
  • Books
  • 1 vol.
  • 2003
  • xi, 284
  • Yes
  • Print
  • RC681-688.2
We are in the early years of a new millen- Tremendous interest is now focused on nium and atherosclerotic disease is now the characteristics of atherosclerotic thought to underlie more adult deaths plaques, as we recognize that many clinical than any other disease on the planet. The coronary events are attributable to unstable lifetime burden of risk is high, and lesions that do not cause severe stenoses but Framingham data suggest that approxi- are prone to rupture and precipitate angina mately 50% of men and 30% of women pectoris or a myocardial infarction. A vari- will experience coronary heart disease ety of factors are under study to help deter- during their lifetime. This process begins mine what affects the balance between at a young age, and autopsies of casualties plaque stability and instability. Some of this from the Korean and Vietnam wars as well research is fueled by the fact that therapy for as accident victims in more recent times dyslipidemia often has effects that are not have shown that fatty streak lesions are related to the lipoprotein cholesterol alter- very common in young adults. Recent ations, but stem from the pleiotropic effects research has extended these pathologic of such medications on hematologic and studies to investigate the dynamics and inflammatory mechanisms. milieu that foster the creation of these The current volume focuses on the early lesions.