Discrete Event Modeling and Simulation Technologies : A Tapestry of Systems and AI-Based Theories and Methodologies

Format Paperback
  • Active Record
  • Individual Title
  • 1 vol.
  • 2001
  • xxxi, 397
  • Yes
  • QA75.5-76.95
During the 1990s the computing industry has witnessed many advances in mobile and enterprise computing. Many of these advances have been made possible by developments in the areas such as modeling, simulation, and artificial intelligence. Within the different areas of enterprise computing - such as manufacturing, health organisation, and commerce - the need for a disciplined, multifaceted, and unified approach to modeling and simulation has become essential. This new book provides a forum for scientists, academics, and professionals to present their latest research findings from the various fields: artificial intelligence, collaborative/distributed computing, modeling, and simulation.