Building Services Procurement

Author Marsh, Christopher
Format Paperback
  • Active Record
  • Individual Title
  • 2002
  • 288
  • Yes
Procurers and contractors increasingly need practical guidance for the strategic procurement of building services. Clients seeking to improve the delivery performance of the construction industry are increasingly using alternative procurement arrangements. These modern arrangements attempt to deliver a more strategic approach to achieving value for money. Yet little thought is ever given to the strategic importance of building services. No other single aspect of a project will affect project success more than the timely delivery of a fully functioning services installation. Beyond the normal considerations of time, cost and quality, building services have a series of unique requirements not normally considered. For the first time these unique requirements are combined in a single text, providing the reader with the definitive guide to building services procurement. The text reviews each of the major critical success factors and clearly explains the supporting processes that must be enacted to ensure success. It reviews the general nature of procurement systems and construction projects, and then explores the increasing importance that building services play both in the construction process and in determining success for the client. Each significant stage within the procurement process is explored by explaining its importance and showing what decisions need to be made to develop a cohesive strategy. It concludes by giving a step-by-step guide to clearly develop and implement a building services procurement strategy.