Copper Nickel : Issue 24

Format Paperback
  • Active Record
  • Individual Title
  • 2017
  • 175
  • Yes
  • 24
  • 28
  • LCO002000
Copper Nickel is the national literary journal housed at the University of ColoradoDenver. It is edited by poet, editor, and translator Wayne Miller (author of Post- and TheCity, Our City, coeditor of Literary Publishing in the Twenty-First Century, and cotranslator of MoikomZeqo's Zodiac)--along with poetry editors Brian Barker (author of The Black Ocean and TheAnimal Gospels) and Nicky Beer (author of The Octopus Game and The Diminishing House), andprose editorsTeague Bohlen (author of The Pull of the Earth) and Joanna Luloff (author ofThe Beach at Galle Road). Since the journal's relaunch in 2015, work published in Copper Nickel has been selected forinclusion in Best American Poetry, Best American Short Stories, and the Pushcart PrizeAnthology, and has been listed as "notable" in the Best American Essays.Contributors to Copper Nickel have received numerous honors for their work, includingthe National Book Critics Circle Award; the Kingsley Tufts Poetry Award; the Kate TuftsDiscovery Award; the Laughlin Award; the American, California, Colorado, Minnesota,and Washington State Book Awards; the Georg BuÌ^chner Prize; the Prix Max Jacob; theLenore Marshall Prize; the T. S. Eliot and Forward Prizes; the Anisfield-Wolf BookAward; the Alice Fay Di Castagnola Award; the Lambda Literary Award; as well asfellowships from the NEA and the Guggenheim, Ingram Merrill, Witter Bynner, Soros,Rona Jaffee, Bush, and Jerome Foundations. Copper Nickel is published twice a year, in March and October, and is distributednationally to bookstores and other outlets by Publishers Group West (PGW) and MediaSolutions, LLC.Issue 24 includes a feature of twenty-two "flash fictions" by established and emergingfiction writers, including Ed Falco, Robert Long Foreman, Stephanie Dickinson, Pedro Ponce,Matthew Salesses, Ruth Joffre, Danielle Lazarin, Joseph Aguilar, Thomas Legendre, PatriciaMurphy, Wendy Oleson, Alicita Rodríguez, and Thaddeus Rutkowski. Also featured aretranslation folios by Italian experimental poet and computer scientist Lorenzo Carlucci,Brazilian poet and PEN Brazil National Prize Winner Denise Emmer, andinternationally renowned Russian poet Tatiana Shcherbina. Other contributors includepoets Kaveh Akbar, Adam Tavel, David Dodd Lee, Kerri French, Ashley Keyser, Ryan Sharp,Kevin Craft, J. Allyn Rosser, Zeina Hashem Beck, Ed Bok Lee, John A. Nieves, &c.; fictionwriters Bradley Bazzle, Erin Kate Ryan, and T. D. Storm; and nonfiction writers Aimée Baker,Dan Beachy-Quick, and S. Farrell Smith.