Math Wizards Student Guide Math Wizards a Fun, Family-Centered Approach to Mastering the Times Tables : Math Wizards a Fun, Family-Centered Approach to Mastering the Times Tables

Author Dobry, Kerry
Format Paperback
  • 11.0" x 8.5" x 0.5"
  • Active Record
  • Individual Title
  • 2012
  • 125
  • Yes
  • 5- UP
  • 37
The Math Wizards Student Guide gives families a plan and the tools they need to help their child achieve success mastering the times tables. Rhymes, pictures, music and humor are used to make recalling facts easy and fun! Used in conjunction with the Math Wizards Family Guide and the Math Wizards Flashcard Packet, The Math Wizards Student Guide provides students the benefits of the arts as well as a firm foundation in mathematics. Time Together: Kids look up to their parents, and that's not just an issue of height! They want to spend time with family members, and they want to have fun, too. Math Wizards makes learning fun and allows families the chance to create memories together. Kids will be surprised at how much they have learned! They'll be having too much fun to even realize they are learning. Time to Learn: Math Wizards is a fun and organized approach to help students master the times tables. By learning sets of facts to mastery before moving on, students sense the value of what they have already learned as they strive to learn more. Creativity and humor are centerpieces to learning in this approach. All students, advanced or struggling, can benefit from this program. Tips, tricks, patterns, and imaginative approaches help make math solutions memorable. Time to Dream: Uniquely supportive of families taking this journey together, Math Wizards is about more than the goal of mastering the times tables; it is about joy in learning, goal setting, determination and dreaming big! Not only will students remember the times tables, but also the positive experience they had while learning them. This will allow them to dream big about where these new skills will take them. Time to Start: The Math Wizards Student Guide is packed with songs, games, artwork and colorful examples to help students recall their multiplication facts. The time is now to start with The Math Wizard Student Guide to spend time together, to learn and practice, and to dream big about what the future holds when you master the times tables.