Graph Partitioning and Graph Clustering

Format Paperback
  • Active Record
  • Individual Title
  • 2013
  • 240
  • Yes
  • 588
  • QA166.245.D56 2012
Graph partitioning and graph clustering are ubiquitous subtasks in many applications where graphs play an important role. Generally speaking, both techniques aim at the identification of vertex subsets with many internal and few external edges. To name only a few, problems addressed by graph partitioning and graph clustering algorithms are: What are the communities within an (online) social network? How do I speed up a numerical simulation by mapping it efficiently onto a parallel computer? How must components be organized on a computer chip such that they can communicate efficiently with each other? What are the segments of a digital image? Which functions are certain genes (most likely) responsible for? The 10th DIMACS Implementation Challenge Workshop was devoted to determining realistic performance of algorithms where worst case analysis is overly pessimistic and probabilistic models are too unrealistic. Articles in the volume describe and analyze various experimental data with the goal of getting insight into realistic algorithm performance in situations where analysis fails. This book is published in cooperation with DIMACS.