Mathematical Aspects of Quantization

Format Paperback
  • Active Record
  • Individual Title
  • 2013
  • 308
  • Yes
  • 583
  • QC174.17.G46M38 2012
This book is a collection of expository articles from the Center of Mathematics at Notre Dame's 2011 program on quantization. Included are lecture notes from a summer school on quantization on topics such as the Cherednik algebra, geometric quantization, detailed proofs of Willwacher's results on the Kontsevich graph complex, and group-valued moment maps. This book also includes expository articles on quantization and automorphic forms, renormalization, Berezin-Toeplitz quantization in the complex setting, and the commutation of quantization with reduction, as well as an original article on derived Poisson brackets. The primary goal of this volume is to make topics in quantization more accessible to graduate students and researchers.