Linear Algebra

Author Edwards, Harold M.
Format Paperback
  • Active Record
  • Individual Title
  • Books
  • 1 vol.
  • 1995
  • xiii, 184
  • Yes
  • Print
  • QA1-939
In his new undergraduate textbook, Harold M. Edwards proposes a radically new and thoroughly algorithmic approach to linear algebra. Originally inspired by the constructive philosophy of mathematics championed in the 19th century by Leopold Kronecker, the approach is well suited to students in the computer-dominated late 20th century. Each proof is an algorithm described in English that can be translated into the computer language the class is using and put to work solving problems and generating new examples, making the study of linear algebra a truly interactive experience. Designed for a one-semester course, this text adopts an algorithmic approach to linear algebra giving the student many examples to work through and copious exercises to test their skills and extend their knowledge of the subject. Students at all levels will find much interactive instruction in this text while teachers will find stimulating examples and methods of approach to the subject.