Linear Algebra

Author Kwak, Jin Ho
Format Paperback
  • Active Record
  • Individual Title
  • Books
  • 1 vol.
  • Revised
  • 2004
  • xv, 390
  • Yes
  • Print
  • QA1-939
From a review of the first edition: "A logical development of the subject . . . all the important theorems and results are discussed in terms of simple worked examples. The student's understanding . . . is tested by problems at the end of each subsection, and every chapter ends with exercises." --CURRENT SCIENCE A cornerstone of undergraduate mathematics, science, and engineering, this clear and rigorous presentation of the fundamentals of linear algebra is unique in its emphasis and integration of computational skills and mathematical abstractions. The power and utility of this beautiful subject is demonstrated, in particular, in its focus on linear recurrence, difference and differential equations that affect applications in physics, computer science, and economics. Key topics and features: - Linear equations, matrices, determinants, vector spaces, complex vector spaces, inner products, Jordan canonical forms, and quadratic forms - Rich selection of examples and explanations, as well as a wide range of exercises at the end of every section - Selected answers and hints - Excellent index This second edition includes substantial revisions, new material on minimal polynomials and diagonalization, as well as a variety of new applications. The text will serve theoretical and applied courses and is ideal for self-study. With its important approach to linear algebra as a coherent part of mathematics and as a vital component of the natural and social sciences, Linear Algebra, Second Edition will challenge and benefit a broad audience.