Goodness-of-Fit Tests and Model Validity

Format Trade Cloth
  • Active Record
  • Individual Title
  • Books
  • 1 vol.
  • 2002
  • xxxv, 507
  • Yes
  • Print
  • QA276-280
The 37 expository articles in this volume provide broad coverage of important topics relating to the theory, methods, and applications of goodness-of-fit tests and model validity. The book is divided into eight parts, each of which presents topics written by expert researchers in their areas. Key features include: * state-of-the-art exposition of modern model validity methods, graphical techniques, and computer-intensive methods * systematic presentation with sufficient history and coverage of the fundamentals of the subject * exposure to recent research and a variety of open problems * many interesting real life examples for practitioners * extensive bibliography, with special emphasis on recent literature * subject index This comprehensive reference work will serve the statistical and applied mathematics communities as well as practitioners in the field.