Pocket Psych Drugs, 2e : Point-Of-Care Clinical Guide

Author Pedersen, Darlene D.
Format Spiral
Monographs, organized alphabetically by generic name, detailing geriatric, pediatric, and substance abuse considerations, as well as clinical assessments and clinical alerts highlighting essential patient safety information for the clinician at "point-of-care." FDA-approved "Black Box Warnings," highlighting serious risks and precautions. Assessments of what needs to be monitored before, during, and after drug treatment. Coverage of geriatric, pediatric, and substance abuse considerations as well as pregnancy and lactation. Coverage of psychopharmacology and psychobiology, including...pharmacodynamics - pharmacokinetics - drug-herbal interactions - therapeutic drug classes - and side effects associated with specific classes. Common and therapeutic lab values, as well as clozaril protocol. Important clinical tips and alerts as well as dose equivalencies and typical drug costs. Tools Tab featuring...common abbreviations - medication assessment tool - psychotropic approximate dose equivalencies - pregnancy categories - controlled substances schedules - BMI and metabolic syndrome and - conversion of trade to generic names.