Networking Home PCs for Dummies

Author Ivens, Kathy
Format Paperback
  • 9.1" x 7.5" x 0.9"
  • Out of Print
  • Individual Title
  • 1998
  • 384
  • Yes
  • Combination of Multiple Bindings
  • 20
  • TK5105.5.I92 1998
Tired of battling over who gets to use which computers at home? Don't feel like spending money on another modem and phone line or another hard drive or printer? Here's an idea -- set up your own home network. With expert advice from networking authority Kathy Ivens, you can quickly and easily figure out what you need to know to connect your PCs and peripherals (and save a great deal of money -- plus eliminate headaches -- in the process). Networking Home PCs For Dummies gives you fast and friendly advice on how to Set up the hardware you need, from network interface cards to cables and connectors Configure software so your computers can talk to one another Create user profiles, personalize desktops, and establish passwords Access software -- or play games -- across your networked computers Share hardware, including drives, printers, and modems, among computers Plus, the bonus CD-ROM included with Networking Home PCs For Dummies contains trial versions of several software programs (including NetNanny 3.1, WinZip 7.0, and anti-virus programs) that you may want to consider for your home network.