Diabetic Foot Care : Case Studies in Clinical Management

Author Foster, Alethea V. M.
Format Trade Cloth
  • 9.9" x 6.8" x 0.8"
  • Active Record
  • Individual Title
  • 2011
  • 280
  • Yes
  • 16
  • RD563
Diabetic Foot Care: Case Studies in Clinical Management usesa 100% illustrated patient case study format to demonstrate themultidisciplinary care and clinical management of patients withfeet and lower limb problems as a result of diabetes. Every casehas colour illustrations highlighting both the initial presentationof the foot, right through to treatment and long term follow-upcare. Of particular focus are the management problems, barriers toeffective care, preventable mistakes, unnecessary delays inpresentations, challenging situations, conflicts, dilemmas andsolutions that podiatrists and diabetic specialists face. Sections in the book include: Neuropathic and neuroischaemicfoot, neuropathic ulcers, ischaemic ulcers, infections, gangrene,traumatic injuries, Charcot's osteoarthropathy, dermatologicalproblems associated with diabetes, painful neuropathy, diabeticfoot emergencies, angiology and foot surgery/amputation. With keypoints and summaries at the beginning and end of each section, thisbook is clear and easy to navigate, making it an ideal tool fordiabetes specialists, diabetes nurses and podiatrists.