John Milton: Twentieth Century Perspectives

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In this unique five-volume set, students will encounter the twentieth century's most influential and representative Milton scholarship. Treating his life, as well as the full scope of his poetry and prose works, the thematically organized papers have been selected and arranged by a leading Milton scholar with an eye toward the key issues covered in virtually any course on the poet and his writings. Available as a full set or individually, the volumes include: * Vol. 1: " The Man and the Author"352 pp * [0-415-94047-8] * Vol. 2: "The" "Early Poems"352 pp * [0-415-94048-6]* Vol. 3: "Prose"352 pp * [0-415-94049-4] * Vol. 4: "Paradise Lost"352 pp * [0-415-94050-8] * Vol. 5: "Paradise Regained and Samson Agonistes"352 pp * [0-415-94051-6]