Fundamentals of Computer Organization and Design

Author Dandamudi, Sivarama P.
Format Trade Cloth
  • Active Record
  • Individual Title
  • Books
  • 1 vol.
  • 2003
  • xxviii, 1061
  • Yes
  • Print
  • TA1-2040
A new advanced textbook/reference providing a comprehensive survey of hardware and software architectural principles and methods of computer systems organization and design. The book is suitable for a first course in computer organization. The style is similar to that of the author's book on assembly language in that it strongly supports self-study by students. This organization facilitates compressed presentation of material. Emphasis is also placed on related concepts to practical designs/chips. Topics: material presentation suitable for self- study; concepts related to practical designs and implementations; extensive examples and figures; details provided on several digital logic simulation packages; free MASM download instructions provided; and end-of-chapter exercises.