Financialization and the Economy

Format Paperback
  • Active Record
  • Individual Title
  • 2017
  • 202
  • Yes
  • HG173.F51949 2019
There can be no doubt that the influence of the financial sphere has intensified rapidly in recent years, but there is much debate about the effect of that influence. The aftermath of the Financial Crisis has led to numerous discussions of the phenomenon of so-called financialization: the increasing impact of financial institutions on the activity of all business entities; emerging threats related with dynamically developing financial markets and the growing importance of financial themes. In light of these issues, which appear in all economies and touch all entities and every area of economic activity, there is a need for a summary and evaluation of the role of financialization in the world today. This monograph presents the role of financialization in the modern world. It shows positive as well as negative effects of financialization on the stability of the whole economy, the functioning of different types of markets, activity of enterprises, state institutions and behaviours of households. Written by expert contributors, this book plays an important role in the debate concerning future directions of development of the financial sector and financial markets. Financialization and the Economy is of great importance to those who study political economy, macroeconomics and banking.