Juniper : The Girl Who Was Born Too Soon

Author French, Kelley
Format Paperback
  • 9.0" x 5.4" x 0.9"
  • Active Record
  • Individual Title
  • 2017
  • 336
  • Yes
  • 20
  • RJ250
Juniper French was born four months early, at twenty-three weeks' gestation. She weighed one pound, four ounces, and her twiggy body was the length of a Barbie doll. Her head was smaller than a tennis ball, her skin was nearly translucent, and through her chest her terrified parents could see the beat of her flickering heart. Kelley and Thomas French chose to fight for Juniper's life, and in this exquisite memoir they marvel at the science that conceived and sustained their daughter and at the extraordinary efforts of the doctors and nurses who cared for her. The technology astounds, but in the end it is the oldest medicine-love-that saves this child. Book jacket.