A First Course in Abstract Algebra

Author Rotman, Joseph
Format Paperback
  • 9.2" x 7.0" x 1.4"
  • Active Record
  • Individual Title
  • Books
  • Revised
  • 2006
  • 640
  • Yes
  • Print
  • 12
  • QA162.R68 2006
This text introduces readers to the algebraic concepts of group and rings, providing a comprehensive discussion of theory as well as a significant number of applications for each. Number Theory: Induction; Binomial Coefficients; Greatest Common Divisors; The Fundamental Theorem of Arithmetic Congruences; Dates and Days. Groups I: Some Set Theory; Permutations; Groups; Subgroups and Lagrange's Theorem; Homomorphisms; Quotient Groups; Group Actions; Counting with Groups. Commutative Rings I: First Properties; Fields; Polynomials; Homomorphisms; Greatest Common Divisors; Unique Factorization; Irreducibility; Quotient Rings and Finite Fields; Officers, Magic, Fertilizer, and Horizons. Linear Algebra: Vector Spaces; Euclidean Constructions; Linear Transformations; Determinants; Codes; Canonical Forms. Fields: Classical Formulas; Insolvability of the General Quintic; Epilog. Groups II: Finite Abelian Groups; The Sylow Theorems; Ornamental Symmetry. Commutative Rings III: Prime Ideals and Maximal Ideals; Unique Factorization; Noetherian Rings; Varieties; Grobner Bases. For all readers interested in abstract algebra.